May is the Month Sara, Steven and Cathy died from Ecstasy! Erin had her accident and brain injury from Ketamine in May also. Please read below about them. You may leave a comment, it will be posted immediately. I have lifted the sreening period for comments.
i was reviewing your video in my office yesterday and one of my female students walked in and started watching it with me. she was so overwelmed by the video that after school she told some of her friends about it and they returned after school just to watch the video. i teach a lot of drug education classes and will use your video in them. i teach all the incoming freshmen at Lagrange College every year, i believe that the video will have a huge impact on them.
thank you very much for your time and energy in putting the video together, it is great!!!
Dear Beth,
I think you're doing a wonderful God-inspired service. Thank you so much. We had a nephew die of an overdose and we saw what his parents went through. It is excruciating. There is sooo much pain in the world. The experiences we've had surely tells me of the pain and suffering that is going on. I will tell all I know of the website and thank you again, for your wonderful efforts. I know the Lord has blessed many and blesses you because of it.
Love, Darla
May is always a very hard time for my family. It has been 5 years now since Cathy died. Every year, it is a little easier knowing that more and more kids know about her and have the oppertunity to learn from her death and choose life.
Thank you Beth for being a part of our lives and telling Cathy's story so teens can see the truth.
Thank you,
Star Isford
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