Thursday, October 06, 2005

New Message

When someone loses a child or a friend, it is just such an incredible loss! It changes so many lives! At this time I would like to share some positive messages that I have received, then I will be writing about my experience as a normal regular person trying to make a difference and the frustration of the media and the people who could maybe help, that just won’t!

Please also check out my website and consider ordering the 2 DVD's for you and your loved ones! It could just save their lives!
Thank you,
Beth Pearce

Thank you to you Tyrone for this wonderful message:

Read your article in the O.C.Register, bought your DVD, recorded your appearance on Cox channel 3, and still am hungry for info so I can join in your campaign to inform and save precious teenage lives! I am a single father of 2 teenagers. Your DVD came to my family at just the right time! There is a special place in heaven for people like you!

A most heart-felt THANK YOU!


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